Tell Gov Scott FL Doesn’t Want Jax Mayor Lenny Curry For Next CFO

05/01/2017 0

  URGENT ACTION ALERT Contact Governor Scott and Tell Him Florida Does Not Want Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry to Become Florida’s Next Statewide CFO  Candidates being considered that are highly qualified, principled and would be acceptable to most conservatives include: Senator Aaron Bean, Jacksonville Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera, Miami State Senator Tom Lee, Tampa Former Florida Senator Pat Neal, Sarasota JACKSONVILLE MAYOR LENNY CURRY IS NOT ONE OF THEM! Call Gov Scott today at (850) 488-7146 [More…]

Call Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry Immediately and Tell Him to Keep His Promise & Veto the HRO

02/15/2017 0

Last night, the Jacksonville City Council passed a Human Rights Ordinance (HRO) creating a weapon to punish Christians seeking to live and work according to their faith without government interference and allowing men to use women’s showers, locker rooms, bathrooms and dressing areas.  This anti-liberty proposal is the worst possible piece of public policy any elected official could support. It violates the dignity, safety and the security of women and children and disregards religious liberty. [More…]

Jacksonville Needs Your Help Now!

01/19/2017 0

The citizens of Jacksonville are fighting their own city council to stop them from trying to adopt a dangerous sexual orientation and gender identity ordinance.  Despite claims of “new compromise language,” the Jacksonville Human Rights Ordinance (HRO) 2017-15, puts women’s privacy, safety and dignity at risk when they use showers, locker rooms, spas, and bathrooms by allowing men to also use the same intimate facility.  Furthermore, it seeks to punish businesses and Christian ministries who [More…]

Tell the Jacksonville City Council to Say “NO” to the HRO!

01/09/2017 0

Members of the Jacksonville City Council have just filed the bad Human Rights Ordinance (HRO) bill again, which was defeated twice before thanks to your efforts.  Do not be fooled.  Despite the claims of “new compromise language,” the new Jacksonville Human Rights Ordinance (HRO) 2017-15, still puts women’s privacy, safety and dignity at risk while using showers, locker rooms, spas and bathrooms by allowing men to use these intimate facilities.  It seeks to allow the [More…]

URGENT JAX ALERT: Sign Petition for Referendum on HRO

01/07/2016 0

URGENT JACKSONVILLE ALERT: Tell the City Council to Let the People Decide Whether Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Expression Should Be Added as New Protected Classes PETITION: As a citizen of Jacksonville, I want the City Council to allow the voters of Duval County to decide this controversial issue by referendum and not to force this “Human Rights Ordinance” upon our community by a vote of only ten members of the Jacksonville City Council. Sign [More…]

Help Stop Dangerous So-Called “Human Rights Ordinance” being proposed in Jacksonville

12/04/2015 0

Help Stop Dangerous So-Called “Human Rights Ordinance” being proposed in Jacksonville Jacksonville is again discussing proposed changes to city ordinance to include “non-discrimination” language (Sexual Orientation Gender Identity [SOGI] language). SOGI does not expand human rights, rather it creates legal weapons to punish Christians who are simply living out their faith in their businesses and use of private property.  Many of these SOGI laws also involve a gross invasion of privacy and create safety and security issues by [More…]

The Anti-LGBT Earthquake from Houston: Next Target–Jacksonville

11/23/2015 0

Human Rights Campaign, the DC-based LGBT attack machine, has revealed that its next target is Jacksonville. Originally Published on On November 3, Houston citizens repealed an unpopular LGBT law like that proposed for Jacksonville. Despite LGBT lobbyist armies and media saturation, outraged voters struck back with an overwhelming 61-39% referendum majority. The ordinance had created a public hazard and elevated LGBT’s to a special rights status over other citizens. Voters, more astute than their [More…]