BREAKING NEWS: Florida Abortion Amendment Ruling

04/02/2024 0

Make no mistake: the stakes could not be higher in this battle! Amendment 4 would enshrine abortion until the moment of birth as a fundamental right in our state’s constitution and wipe out decades of common-sense laws that are protecting the rights and safety of the unborn and their mothers! [More…]

Statement from FFA

12/06/2023 0

We are aware of the allegations involving Mr. Christian Ziegler, Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida. If they are true, his actions and behavior are inconsistent with the principles and beliefs of Florida Family Action. We condemn all infidelity and moral failure of any person in leadership.

Beware of the Extreme, Deceptive, and Dangerous Abortion-On-Demand Amendment Circulating Florida

06/29/2023 0

The ACLU and Planned Parenthood have organized a heavily funded stealth group called “Floridians Protecting Freedom.” They are circulating a petition entitled “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion.” The ballot summary of the petition reads as follows:  “No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider. This amendment does not change the Legislature’s constitutional authority to require notification to a parent or guardian before a minor [More…]

Florida Family Action Endorses Chad Davis for District 48 State Representative

06/19/2023 0

Chad Davis has been one of the most pivotal leaders behind the scenes in Florida in standing for life, parental rights, and religious liberty for nearly a decade. Now we are excited to support him for State House District 48 to continue the fight on the frontlines in Tallahassee! John StembergerPresident, Florida Family Action

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