FFA Endorses Blaise Ingoglia for State Senate District 10

12/13/2021 0

Florida Family Action is proud to announce our endorsement of: Blaise Ingoglia, State Senate District 10 “Blaise Ingoglia has a long history of outstanding leadership both to his local constituents and statewide for the party. As a conservative, his voting record is rock solid. He is the clear choice in this primary race for state senate district 10.” -John Stemberger, President, Florida Family Action

FFA Endorses Rachel Plakon for State House District 29

11/04/2021 0

Florida Family Action is proud to announce our endorsement of: Rachel Plakon, State House District 29 “Rachel Plakon is the type of principled, conservative fighter that Florida needs. Her positive, can-do attitude and belief system makes her uniquely qualified to represent our values in a very powerful and effective manner.”– John Stemberger, President, Florida Family Action

BREAKING NEWS: FFA President John Stemberger Analysis on Current Election Dispute

11/06/2020 0

BREAKING NEWS: Here is my analysis of the current election dispute and the breaking news which happened overnight By John Stemberger As I write this letter, we still do not have clarity on who will be the next President of the United States in 2021. It is reminiscent for me 20 years ago when as a younger lawyer, I argued an amicus brief before Judge Nikki Clarke in one of the 2000 Bush vs. Gore [More…]

Election Day is Tomorrow

11/02/2020 0

Here’s what you need to know to vote in Florida: Polls are open tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov 3 from 7AM to 7PM Plan now exactly what time of the day you are going to vote.  Polling locations often change. Double check and make sure you know where your poll is located especially if your voting late in the day. Sunday was the last day of early voting so there is no early voting today on Monday, November [More…]

FFA & John Stemberger Endorse Jim Boyd For State Senate District 21

08/10/2020 0

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Breaking News: FLORIDA FAMILY ACTION AND JOHN STEMBERGER ENDORSE JIM BOYD IN FLORIDA’S 21ST STATE SENATE DISTRICT RACE On August 10th, Florida Family Action (“FFA”), endorsed Jim Boyd for the state senate seat in Florida’s 21st district. Attorney John Stemberger, President of Florida Family Action, made this statement on Boyd’s candidacy: “Jim Boyd is a solid conservative who has a proven record of service to Florida. In the Florida House, Jim was [More…]

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