GOP Battle For Florida: 2016 Presidential Analysis, Expert Panel Discussion & Straw Poll
Florida Family Action hosted its 2016 GOP Battle for Florida event on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at 7 PM in the greater Orlando area. The event included an overview of where the presidential candidates stood on current issues, an analysis of their strengths and weaknesses, a panel discussion of political experts, questions from the audience and a straw vote poll.
Florida Family Action President and General Counsel, John Stemberger provided an objective analysis of all the major 2016 Presidential candidates (declared and undeclared) along with their strengths, weaknesses, viability and facts about their current financial backing. This video can be viewed here:
The good news is there are a lot of really good GOP candidates. The bad news is also that are a lot of really good candidates. So it is really hard to choose and to know how to think about the process, especially before the 2016 primaries.
Though some would say it is too early to endorse (and I would agree), it is never too early to begin thinking about who is the best possible person to lead our great nation into the future, especially given her current desperate state. Trust me, the election will be here before you know it.
We hope these presentations which were filmed on May 19, 2015, in Maitland, FL, before a live audience will be as helpful to you as you study the GOP candidates.
Straw Vote Results:
At the GOP Battle For Florida Event in Maitland on May 19, Florida Family Action took at straw poll of about 100 attendees. The results are listed below:
- Senator Marco Rubio (33.7%)
- Senator Ted Cruz (30.3%)
- Governor Jeb Bush and Governor Scott Walker (tie at 8.9%)
- Senator Rick Santorum (6.7%)
- Senator Rand Paul (4.5%)
- Dr. Ben Carson (3.4%)
- Governor Mike Huckabee (2.2%)
- Governor Rick Perry (1.1%)
- Write In: Donald Trump
Attendees were polled on 14 GOP declared and exploratory Presidential Candidates. Only those 18 and older at the time of the 2016 election participated in the poll.
For More Information, please contact info@FLfamily.org or call 407-418-0250.