The Jacksonville Library cancelled their Drag Queen event for teenagers– BUT they are now moving it to the MOSH museum and inviting children of ALL ages.
Join us TOMORROW morning for a
Saturday June 29th 9:30-11am
Museum of Science & History (MOSH)
1025 Museum Circle Jacksonville, FL 32207
(Dads invited too!)
CLICK below To RSVP & Share the Facebook Event
Meet in the public park at the flag polls next to MOSH and in front of Friendship Fountain. There is a public parking lot across from MOSH. Come to pray, sing, and march for the safety of our children. Homemade signs are welcome (no inappropriate or foul language). The purpose of this event is to pray for our city, the safety of our children, and for our elected officials. We are praying for and publicly calling on the city to stop the inappropriate use of city related or taxpayer funded facilities and children’s attractions such as libraries and museums from inappropriate and predatory sexual exploitation and recruitment of children.
The Museum of Science and History (MOSH) is scheduled to host a Gay Pride event complete with performances by drag queens and lectures called Trans 101, Bisexual 101, and even Coming Out Monologues for children of all ages. See below shocking photos of “BeBe Deluxe” one of the main Drag Queen presenters.
Anna Bohach who led the “500 Mom Strong” March against the drag queen story hour in Spokane Washington said, “This is misogyny; drag queens are very offensive to women. They are grotesque hypersexualized caricatures of women. They mock women and debase our womanhood and femininity. A drag queen is no different than a racist donning black face. ”
Continue to contact the Mayor’s office, City Council & MOSH to stop these events.
Mayor Lenny Curry (904) 255-5000
Call City Council City Council at (904) 630-1377
MOSH Museum (904) 396-6674
(MOSH is a private museum but they do receive some public grant funding from the city)
# # #
Duval Public Library to Host Local Adult Entertainer for a Drag Queen Story Hour Type Event for Teenage Children this Friday
(WARNING: Potentially offensive photos below)
Jacksonville’s “BeBe Deluxe,” is a gay-identified male adult entertainer who dresses as a woman in provocative sexualized clothes and performs at local strip clubs like the *Metro Entertainment Complex. BeBe’s real name is Alex Palmer and he is being allowed to have access to teenage children in a “Drag Queen Story Hour” type event hosted in Duval County taxpayer funded Willow Branch library this Friday. Please immediately contact Jacksonville officials below and respectfully tell them to shut this down.
“Shut down this totally inappropriate & outrageous event inviting children to be exposed to an adult entertainer who performs at strip clubs…”

6 Ways to Take Action Now:
1. CONTACT THE JACKSONVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY and tell them to cancel this event. Call Jacksonville Public Library System Director Tim Rogers at 904-630-2665. Tim Rogers has the power to shut this down. Also email Chairman of the Library Board Ronnie King through this portal:
2. CONTACT MAYOR LENNY CURRY on Monday to express your disapproval and request Emergency Action at this Tuesday’s (6/25/2019) meeting to cancel this event at our public library. Mayor Lenny Curry also has the influence to see this shut down. Call Mayor Curry’s office at (904) 255-5000 and email him at
3. CONTACT THE JACKSONVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS on Monday to express your disapproval and request Emergency Action at this Tuesday’s (6/25/2019) meeting to cancel this event at our public library. Call Jacksonville City Council members offices at (904) 630-1377.
4. SPEAK AGAINST THIS AT THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING this Tuesday, June 25th beginning @ 5pm during the Public Comments time. NOTE: Just fill-out a blue Speaker’s Card (see the attached Blue Card guide for filling one out). When called during the public comment time, express your concerns in a respectful manner. Max speaking time is 3 minutes. Jacksonville City Hall is located at 117 W Duval St, Jacksonville, FL 32202.
5. ATTEND PROTEST PRAYER RALLY Friday, June 28: 6:30pm – 8:30pm at the Willow Branch Library. If Mayor Curry and/or the Jacksonville City fails to cancel this event, plan to attend a peaceful protest outside of the Willow Branch Library located @ 2875 Park Street, Jacksonville, FL, 32205 on Friday, June 28 @ 6:30pm – 8:30pm.
6. SHARE THIS ALERT with other friends and family who live in Duval County and ask them to take action.
Other Information and Documentation:
Details on the Pride Prom Event
*The Metro Entertainment Complex contains the Broiler Room which its website describes it as “Metro’s down and dirty bar where the clothes are skimpy, the men are dancing on the bar and bringing you to the boiling point.” The complex also has “Shappo’s” which features “a full bar with lighted dance poles, all female art, and Sappho’s Girls.”