Dear Friend,
We’re in the final days.
The tumultuous 2022 midterm election season is upon us.
Across the nation – and across Florida – voters are making decisions that will impact the next two years of life.
Will voters stick with faith, family, and freedom, or stay home and allow their apathy to give a foothold to radical, leftist agendas?
Florida Family Action is resolved to keep a heavy foot on the gas pedal all the way through election day, next Tuesday, November 8th.
Our endorsed candidates – from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Sen. Marco Rubio – all the way to Congressional candidates, legislative candidates, and judges – are facing major electoral tests.
We have the infrastructure in place to provide assistance in the closing moments of these races. Your support of FFA this month may well make the difference between wins and losses for Florida families.
We aren’t just making expenditures in support of pro-family candidates, we’ve also done painstaking research to make informed endorsements in these races.
In fact, we’ve created a state-wide Judicial Voter Guide, (which can be accessed here) to help you know which judges support the constitution – and by extension, your values – and which judges would prefer to rewrite our laws to suit their radical goals and leftist agendas.
(See below for ALL of our voter guides.)
I’m confident that your partnership will make the difference.
We can’t be satisfied with the status quo in Tallahassee.
Yes, we’re thrilled to have a governor who supports marriage, life, religious liberty, and parental rights – boldly.
Yes, we’re thrilled that we have members of our federal delegation who have stood strong against Pelosi and Schumer’s radical plans for America.
Yes, we’re thrilled that we have conservative majorities in the Florida House and Senate.
But those things don’t remain in place by default. And we don’t want those majorities to stay the same – we want them to GROW.
We’re taking an ambitious agenda to Tallahassee in March – including several items that, if passed, will ensure that the tenets of Roe v. Wade are never reality again in the Sunshine State.
Unlike direct contributions in legislative and congressional races, there is no limit to the investment you can make in Florida Family Action’s electoral efforts.
Each dollar we raise between now and next Tuesday, November 8th will be spent in pursuit of these three specific purposes:
1. We will defend our most vulnerable pro-family candidates;
2. We will cultivate ground to win new ground in friendly, pro-family areas; and
3. We will finalize our agenda and defenses for the legislative agenda we’ll carry into our Capitol in March.
While not tax-deductible, your support of Florida Family Action allows us to do election work that Florida Family Policy Council cannot, by IRS regulation, do.
We’re confident that, together, we will prevail around the state.
To Victory!
John Stemberger
President and General Counsel
Florida Family Action
P.S. Our voter guides are an enormous, costly project. Your generous gift will help us with the cost of producing these valuable guides. Please give now. Thank you!