Call and email Mayor Buddy Dyer today and tell him our hard-earned, taxpayer money should not be funding such inappropriate & outrageous programming for children.
Telephone: 407-246-2221
Email: buddy.dyer@orlando.gov
The Facts:
Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer’s Mayor’s Matching Grant for Schools and Nonprofit Organizations is “awarded to schools and non-profit organizations for projects that offer educational enhancement, academic enrichment, crime prevention and anti-violence for our City’s youth.”
In 2019, Mayor Dyer granted the LGBT Center of Orlando $3,000 of this public grant funding to “host the first Drag Queen Story Hour in the state of Florida, starting with six events in 2019 designed to teach children to embrace gender diversity in themselves and others… An estimated 600 children are expected to participate in this program.” (emphasis added) See: http://www.cityoforlando.net/oca/mmg/
The Drag Queen Story Hour events were hosted by “Gidget Galore,” formerly known as “Bubbles Galore,” a man named Richard Kutnz who dresses as a woman and works as an Adult Entertainer at the Parliament House, a gay night club in Orlando.
Kutnz, who has been described in one gay publication as a “campy, steamy, pithy and profane drag persona,” has been involved with many adult entertainment productions. His Facebook page shows his hosting and or directly participating in events promoted as, “Indecent EXXXposure: Warning this event contains nudity;” “Lion Queen: Naked, Go-Go Cub;” Hosting “adult film stars” in Flash Friday’s striptease; and “The Living Nativity Christmas Spectacular, A Twisted Musical Parody of Biblical Proportions.” Kurtz is also known for making drug references in his acts. See: https://www.edgemedianetwork.com/entertainment/theatre//94750
At a recent Drag Queen Story Hour at Ridgedale Library in Minnetonka, Minnesota, the man parading as a woman in a mini skirt and high heels opened his legs and exposed his genitals several times during the sit down reading. See: https://www.theblaze.com/news/photo-shows-drag-queen-story-hour-performer-in-miniskirt-exposing-crotch-as-children-sit-close-by Unless someone attends and videos these events there is no way to document how far these entertainers go in exposing their young audiences to inappropriate and sexualized behavior.
Allowing children to be exposed to this utterly inappropriate adult “entertainment” under the guise of “reading and education” is simply disgraceful. The fact that Mayor Buddy Dyer used our taxpayer’s dollars to pay for it as so-called education is even more outrageous, especially when there are so many other problems and challenges that our teachers and schools have, which are worthy of funding and support.
These Orlando Drag Queen events and the children attending them were used in the filming an upcoming documentary about Drag Queen Story Hours called “Mirrors and Windows” See: http://www.mutemajesty.com/mirrorsandwindows/
Call and email Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and register your objection today for his failure to protect children from confusion and hyper-sexualization and for wasting taxpayers funds.
Telephone: 407-246-2221
Email: buddy.dyer@orlando.gov
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Florida Family Action
4853 S. Orange Ave, Suite C, Orlando, FL 32806
Info@FloridaFamilyAction.org * Phone: 407-418-0250