We need this now more than ever! Do you agree?

10/27/2016 0

Friend, Now more than ever we need strong Christian influences in politics AT EVERY LEVEL of government.   If you agree with this statement, can we count on your support as we head into the last 12 days of this election? There is so much more we can do before election day to continue to reach Florida voters with our voter guides and resources. But we need your help to do this. As you know, [More…]

New Video: Honoring God With Your Vote

10/26/2016 0

Honor God with your vote this election day (NOVEMBER 8, 2016) Unlike most Christians throughout history, we get to choose our leaders. That choice is a gift God has given us to use to honor Him. We honor Him when we preserve the nation He’s entrusted to us, and steward our responsibility for her future. Our Voter Guides & Election Resources can be found here: FloridaFamilyAction.com/voterguides. Additional videos, talking points, and legal resources for churches and [More…]

Guide on How to Vote on Florida’s 2016 Ballot Amendments

10/26/2016 0

There are four proposed Constitutional Amendments on the ballot in November. These amendments cover a wide range of topics—from solar, to marijuana and tax exemptions. To help you wade through the confusing technical language, we’ve researched and created an overview of each proposed amendment for you. You can access this resource here or by clicking on one of the images below. 2016 Proposed Amendments Below are short summaries of each amendment: Amendment 1: Solar energy grants a [More…]

Facts you need to know about the medical marijuana Amendment 2. Must see video. Early voting starts today.

10/24/2016 0

Early voting begins today in 50 of Florida’s 67 counties! To find your county’s early voting dates and locations click here. We encourage you to visit FloridaElectionCentral.com before heading to the polls, for information about the candidates and amendments. CRITICAL FACTS YOU NEED KNOW ABOUT AMENDMENT 2 “MEDICAL MARIJUANA” We agree there is a real need to help people suffering with debilitating medical conditions and to alleviate pain. However, the goal of Amendment 2 is not to help the [More…]

We may all become ichthus Christians if…

10/20/2016 0

Friend, I will get right to the point. If this election goes the wrong way, we may all have to return to being “Ichthus” Christians where we are sneaking around just to speak of our faith in secret because we are unable to publicly. The ichthus, (pronounced “ikh-thoos”) the “fish symbol,” was used by Christians (as early as the 1st Century AD) to help identify with one another silently, in the hope of escaping persecution.  Christians [More…]

All of our voter guides are now available online at FloridaElectionCentral.com

10/18/2016 0

All of our voter guides are now available online at FloridaElectionCentral.com Candidates, Amendments, Judges, Local Races Whether you’re voting by mail, early voting or voting on Election Day (November 8, 2016) our free voter guide resources are here to help you and other Floridians make wise choices and support candidates that stand on principle for life, marriage, family, and religious liberty! At FloridaElectionCentral.com you’ll find our: Church Approved Voter Guide (for President/US Senate) This guide is [More…]

Tell Sen. Anitere Flores you’re disappointed she’s cosponsoring the worst bill in the FL Legislature

10/17/2016 0

ACTION ALERT: Call Republican State Senator Anitere Flores and tell her how disappointed you are that she has agreed to co-sponsor the worst bill in Florida Legislature. Sadly, last week one of our best friends in the Florida Senate, Anitere Flores (R-Miami), caved under pressure from leftist activist groups promising support and resources, and agreed to co-sponsor the worst bill in the Florida Legislature, the “Florida Competitive Workforce Act” (CWA). Deceptively worded, this dangerous, anti-liberty [More…]

3 Resources to Help You Think About Trump vs Clinton & the 2016 Presidential Race

10/11/2016 0

FACTS:  Our issue based, Presidential voter guide tool for churches is now available online for download to print for distribution in churches or to email to friends and family. The front side of our voter guide compares the Presidential candidates and the reverse side compares the candidates for U.S. Senate.  The ad at the bottom of this voter guide gives the website address where the other voter guides are located online for judges, amendments and [More…]