3 Resources to Help You Think About Trump vs Clinton & the 2016 Presidential Race

presidential voter guideFACTS:  Our issue based, Presidential voter guide tool for churches is now available online for download to print for distribution in churches or to email to friends and family.

The front side of our voter guide compares the Presidential candidates and the reverse side compares the candidates for U.S. Senate.  The ad at the bottom of this voter guide gives the website address where the other voter guides are located online for judges, amendments and state and local races.

Please share this resource with your pastors and ask them to distribute this over the next 3 Sundays prior to the election on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Download our main voter guide here.


NPR_snip.pngPERSPECTIVE:   Our President John Stemberger appeared last week on WMFE, a local affiliate of National Public Radio for a sit-down interview on the 2016 Presidential Race and discussed how and why this is a difficult election for Christians.

Many of our supporters have found this interview to be very helpful as they consider why and how to vote. This interview was a bit aggressive at points.

Please listen to it and tell us how you think John did and whether or not he articulated any of your concerns in the interview. Click here to listen.


windermere-honest discussion FINAL

ANALYSIS:   The Florida Family Policy Council recently held two extensive discussions on the election entitled “An Honest Discussion about a Difficult Election.”

The event panelists were comprised of top national leaders both for and against Donald Trump. The evening event was live streamed nationally by Ben Carson’s My Faith Votes organization.

We believe you will find the lively exchanges here both informative and insightful.

Watch the Public Community Forum here.