Last night, the Jacksonville City Council passed a Human Rights Ordinance (HRO) creating a weapon to punish Christians seeking to live and work according to their faith without government interference and allowing men to use women’s showers, locker rooms, bathrooms and dressing areas. This anti-liberty proposal is the worst possible piece of public policy any elected official could support. It violates the dignity, safety and the security of women and children and disregards religious liberty.
Contact Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry by phone and by email and tell him to “Keep his Promise and Veto the HRO.”
Call 904-630-1776 or Email MayorLennyCurry@coj.net
Here’s the inside story:
- The mayor is saying he does not have the votes to override a veto, but that is not correct. Votes can and often change between the time of a vote on a bill and the vote on a veto override.
- Mayor Curry eventually wishes to seek statewide office in Florida, and he needs to know that if he does not veto this HRO, his permanent record will be one of strong support for LGBT rights and no regard for the privacy, dignity, safety and security of women and children.
- Last night the mayor pulled a slick political move to avoid pressure on him and made a premature announcement as if he has already vetoed the law. The truth is he has at least 10 days to veto or allow it to pass into law. Until then, the ordinance is not law, and the matter is still open.
- The mayor can veto the bill, he should veto the bill, and if he does not veto it, he needs to understand there will be consequences for his political record.
- Mayor Curry publicly promised several Jacksonville pastors in person that he would veto the bill and he has been talking to those pastors behind the scenes trying to back pedal on his promise as if the matter is over and there’s nothing he can do. This is not true.
- Worst of all, the last part of this ordinance says that only after it is passed, then it will be written in its final form by a group of lawyers, so the public never received clear notice of the extent of what this bill says and what it does. This is a major constitutional and due process issue making the ordinance totally illegitimate.
- This matter is not over until it’s over so take action now!
Contact Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry by phone and by email and tell him to “Keep his Promise and Veto the HRO.”
Call 904-630-1776 or Email MayorLennyCurry@coj.net